that's what he said...

"What about this individual warrants High School Player of the year award consideration?"

“Aside from Sal's other accolades, I would like to emphasize that Sal is a two-time captain. As you may know, the Captain is voted on by the team. When a Junior is picked to be a Captain, it speaks volumes about the impact he’s had on the team.  Even more impressive, in the last twenty years there has only been one other Junior Captain on the Chelmsford High School football team. Furthermore, Sal has had a IEP learning disability that he has had overcome. Since he was six years old, Sal has had a tutor supporting him through his school and has earned a solid 3.2 GPA.
Our team record for the 2017 season was 5-6.  However, we played one of the most challenging schedules not only in the Merrimack Valley, but some of the best teams in the state.  Honestly, without Sal I'm not sure how many games we would have won.  It's easy to receive accolades and attain records when you’re playing on a team that has a winning record or is Superbowl bound, but Sal did it on a 5-6 team, single-handedly.
 Additionally, he averaged 130 snaps per game and literally never came off the field.  The majority of Sal's touchdowns came late in the game, when we needed them the most.  Opposing defenses knew the ball was going to Sal, and yet he still was able to score.  Sal carried the ball an incredible 25-30 times during a game, all in a single back offense.   
I've been a high school and college football coach and I’ve never in my life met an individual that gave more to a program or more to his team.  His dependability and leadership carried on and off the field.  Sal Lupoli is one of the finest individuals that I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Please look into Sal Lupoli Jr's background and you will see multiple articles written on him.  The Boston Globe, Lowell Sun and Eagle Tribune not only talk about his athletic prowess but more importantly, they highlight his presence in the community and the impact he has made on so many young kids.
I can promise you that if Sal is a recipient, he will be one of your shining stars. Sal not only performs on the field, but also off the field in life. Sal is a shining example of character, drive, motivation and community.”
Thank you.

Dave Kaizer

Head Coach

Chelmsford High School


just a few of my favorite


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